Take it to the Bank: Food bank 50/50 raffle returns

KAMLOOPS –Tickets are now on sale for the Kamloops Food Bank’s third annual Take It To The Bank 50/50 raffle.
Starting at $20, tickets give holders a chance to win up to $250,000 while supporting the local food bank.
Proceeds raised will go directly to local food bank initiatives, including the Starfish backpack program.
“This raffle goes to support many programs actually and many kids in our community that need help,” said Executive Director Bernadette Siracky. “[With the Starfish Backpack Program,] we’re feeding almost 200 elementary school kids every Friday who need food and don’t have enough at home — so that’s a very important program as well.”
The organization says it is seeing the highest number of people accessing its services since it has been operating.
Operations Manager Wes Graham credits the record demand to rising food costs and inflation.
“We’re finding it even more important now to really get out there and try and get support for what we are doing in the community because, again, that need is only growing. It is heartbreaking to see some of the situations people are in,” Graham told CFJC News.
Raffle tickets can be bought online here, up until May 14. A winner will be drawn the next day.